Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623

Arrosticini @ the Turk's Head

Happening on 21/10/2017

Turk's Head, London, E1W

You ask for it and you got it!

For the very last time we will be back at The Turk's head in Wapping with a massive BBQ, serving Italian products as Arrosticini, chuncks of lamb on a skewers cooked on BBQ and our famous Porchetta sandwich made with Italian pork belly, slowly cooked for 24 hours.

All our products are from Abruzzo, a little paradise hidden in the middle of Italy, between the Mountains and the Adriatic Sea, which boats the title of "greenest region of Europe".

The Turk's Head Wapping is situated on the edge of Wapping Gardens. It's the perfect place where you can sit around the table with friends or work with your laptop while having a meal or just sipping your favourite cup of coffee.

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Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623