Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623

The World's Biggest Pub Quiz

Happening on 05/03/2017

Three Blackbirds, St Albans, AL3

The Big Weekend has arrived - join us in the World's Biggest Pub Quiz on Sunday at 7.30pm and be part of this massive fund raising event for hundreds of charities throughout the UK.

Organised by Pubaid, in partnership with Prostate Cancer UK, hundreds of pubs will be participating nationally and we want to raise as much money as we can.

In 2016 over 30,000 quizzers in over 1,000 venues raised over £130,000 for over 600 charities. With your support we know we can match and hopefully beat the amount raised last year.

Bring your friends or come alone and make new ones, and have a brilliant night out...See you on Sunday!!

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Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623