Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623

Opening Latest

Published on 11/06/2020

Talbot, London, SE4

Hello friends of the Talbot,
it looks like things are on the move all be it somewhat slowly.
HMG have said we can open on the 4th July with social distancing protocols in place. This will dramatically reduce our capacity and may only be table service outside. We will have to accept 'card' only and are looking at an App which allows patrons to book a table, order and pay from the comfort of their pub seat. All in the air still as HMG playing it by ear as each day passes
Whatever happens we will all have to adapt, it may be booked time slots, queueing, one in one out, we don't know yet, watch this space.
looking forward to puling your pint/;pour a glass in the not to distant future.
Take care and see you soon

Lesley and Mike

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Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623