Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623


Happening on 25/09/2017

Railway Hotel, Stockport, SK4

When – Monday 25th September 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Where – RAILWAY, 74 Wellington Rd North SK4 1HF
Admission Free – in upstairs function room
And now for something new and completely different in this great community pub on the Slope! Brewery historian Dr James Sumner from the University of Manchester will take us through the stranger practices of 19th century beer making with a live demonstration of the old-style art of the ‘beer doctors’. Chemical additives were a widespread feature of 19th century brewing. Heralded as great innovations by brewers, they were viewed with suspicion by drinkers who saw the traditional goodness of malt and hops under threat. And while panics about fatal poisonings scared the public and tax-dodging worried the authorities, the courts were faced with the question of whether it is right to brew with stinking fish. A fascinating evening is in prospect; please do join us.

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Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623