Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623

Blues Dancing

Happening on 06/04/2016

Hicce Hart, London, N1

Want more info about the blues dancing classes every Wednesday? Right, here goes…

7pm: Total beginners class
Never danced blues before? Not even sure what it is? Then this class is for you! We will focus on learning the fundamentals of blues dancing: the pulse, dancing with a partner, leading and following, the basic footwork and some fun variations so you can show off on the dance floor!

8:15pm: Intermediate Class
This class is aimed at people with more blues dancing experience. To attend the intermediate class you should feel comfortable with your basic steps, have a nice blues pulse, have grasped the idea of connection, have the ability to lead / follow, and feel confident mixing up the variations you learn in class on the social dance floor. If you feel ready to be challenged then this is the class for you!

8:45pm: Social Dancing
Join us after class to get your mid-week mojo working and dance your troubles away!

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Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623