Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623

Ham From Home Night

Happening on 30/06/2015

Salutation Inn, Berkeley, GL13

Ham from Home Night – Chutney Making Competition!

If you’ve got homemade produce that you cook, catch, bake, smoke, shoot, pickle, grow, stew or brew from bread to beetroot, from jams to smoked hams and from pickled eggs to scotch eggs, bring it in to swap and share with everyone in the pub. If you’re not able to produce something that day non-producers are still welcome to sample the goods with a small donation to our local charity. The last Tuesday in every month is all about Ham-made food!

June’s Ham From Home adds an element of friendly competition into the mix as we lay down the gauntlet for chutneys makers and chutney connoisseurs everywhere… Boil down and bring in your most traditional or wildest home-made chutneys and be judged against the very best other chutneys in the South West. As ever we’re offering the finest box of Sally goodies that our money didn’t buy (random freebies) to the winner! Good luck and get chuntneying!

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Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623