Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623


Happening on 15/03/2019

Comedy Lounge, Kingston upon Hull, HU1

Ladies and gentlemen... C’mere....

We have the fabulous Jimmy Cricket returning to The Comedy Lounge.
Over this time he perfected his own take on the ‘thick Irishman’ stereotype, including his catchphrases ‘c'mere’ and ‘...and there's more’ and his distinctive outfit: cut-off trousers, tuxedo, hat and wellies marked ‘L’ and ‘R’ – always on the wrong feet.

Unlike many comics of his generation, it wasn’t The Comedians show that made his name, as he never appeared on the show. Instead he came to prominence in 1981 after reaching the finals of the ITV talent hunt Search For A Star.

In 1986, he landed his own TV series on Central Television called And There's More, which ran for three years. He also had his own radio series for Radio 2, Jimmy’s Cricket Team, from 1991 to 1995.

He is also a regular pantomime star, having appeared in 17 to date.
Visit Hull’s only established comedy club, have a fantastic time and opportunity to see some of the British comedy circuit’s premier acts, with faces you may recognise of the television and side-splitting hilarity always provided by four fantastic comedy act.

Tickets £15
Doors 19:00
Drinks Offers
Food Available

Tickets £15 follow the link

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Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623