Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623

Super Street Sale

Happening on 19/09/2015

Red Lion, Peterborough, PE6

West Deeping village is having a Super Street Sale "AKA Garage Sale" Saturday 19th September 11am - 4pm. BBQ, games for the kids The Red Lion, West Deeping cakes / teas at the village hall. Someones trash is someone else's treasure! Come along for a browse! Clothes, furniture, electrical goods, gardening equipment, games, children's toys the list is endless. Hope to see you there. Before you ask for those of you with a wicked sense of humour no we are not selling King street or garages in the village lol smile emoticon Please share this post with friends.

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Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623