Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623

New opening hours

Published on 01/12/2020

Alma, Sidcup, DA14

Hello everyone,

So today we will be posting some information for you all with regards to us opening tomorrow, first order of the day is our new opening times as of tomorrow, they are :

Monday to Thursday 11am to 10pm, the same as before we were forced into yet another lockdown, if you can call it that!

Friday & Saturday 11am to 11pm with the bar stopping serving at 10pm

Sunday 12pm to 10pm, the same as before like Monday to Thursday.

We thank you for all of your support during this time and are very much looking forward to seeing you all again, same rules apply as before, masks must be worn at all times unless you are sat down, upon arrival you sign in / scan in and of course we will be waitering you all with our yummy food and delicious drinks.

We are also now taking bookings for all tables in the pub, you don’t have to if you don’t want to but there may be a chance that nothing will be available upon your arrival.

See you tomorrow 🤩

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Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623