Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623

Norwich City of Ale 2018

From 24th May - 3rd of June Norwich will play host once again to the City of Ale festival. Their fine city pubs are living testimony to the region's rich beer and brewing heritage. They come in all ages, locations, shapes and sizes. What they all have in common is a passion for beer! This year there are 48, a record number! Don't forget to check out the events they are holding and the ale trails they are on!

We found you 47 pubs
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Location: Norwich, Norfolk, NR1

Excellent beer, fine wines, great food - the heart in the heart of Norwich

Location: Town Close, Norwich, NR2

A lively pub, wih a warm, relaxed atmosphere, great food with a great wine list. Fab garden and courtyard. Perfect for weddings, parties, BBQ's and a good laugh.

Location: Sewell, Norwich, NR3

The Whalebone Freehouse is situated just a couple of miles north of Norwich City centre and nestles amongst the many Georgian chimney pots in NR3, affectionately known as the Platinum Triangle.

Location: Sewell, Norwich, NR3

Location: Thorpe Hamlet, Norwich, NR1

Pub fare from tapas to burgers served in a relaxed environment with live music & outdoor seating.

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Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623