Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623

Loyalty Card

Valid from 04/07/2016 to 04/07/2017

Blacksmiths Arms, York, YO19

Register for our new Loyalty Card by clicking on the link above.

Our Loyalty Card has the following member benefits.

Registration Gift - you will be awarded a £5 voucher to spend on your next visit.

Exclusive Access to Special Offers – only Loyalty members will be able to enjoy our incredible offers such as Quoff & Scoff!

Birthdays & Anniversary Celebrations – we will contact you with a £5 off voucher to celebrate with us!

Exclusive Loyalty Card Events

Reward Point Collections System – every time you purchase food you will be able to collect points.

£1 will = 1 point on our reward system, when you have collected 100 points you will recive a £5 voucher to spend with us!

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Menabrea 0623
Menabrea 0623